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Composer: Roger Miret, Agnostic Front

Agnostic Front - Fascist Attitudes lyrics

Why should go around and bashing one other if they look or think different, why let it bother everyone's got their own style, their own thoughts don't let it bother you, don't let it get caught
Fascist attitudes - we need the least with a scene that's fighting for unity's peace don't need no more anger; no more danger don't need to hate;stop before it's too late learning how to respe
Ch otheris a must so why start a war of anger/danger among us it's time to grow out of your nazi-hypocrism when you really don't want part of a fucked up system
Songs list of album: Victim in Pain (1984)
         Title Rating
01   Victim In Pain lyrics   -
02   Remind Them lyrics   -
03   Blind Justice lyrics   -
04   Last Warning lyrics   -
05   United and Strong lyrics   -
06   Power lyrics   -
07   Hiding Inside lyrics   -
08   Fascist Attitudes lyrics   -
09   Society Sucker lyrics   -
10   Your Mistake lyrics   -
11   With Time lyrics   -

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