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Composer: D.R.I.

D.R.I. - Tone Deaf lyrics

Tone deaf - I can't play an instrument
Tone deaf - I can't even sing
Tone deaf - I have to wear ear plugs

The noise makes my ears ring
They told me when I was eleven
"You shouldn't even bother to try
You've got no musical ability"
And they weren't telling a lie

Tone deaf - I've got no rhythm
Tone deaf - I've got no pitch
Tone deaf - I couldn't hit an octave

If it meant that I'd get rich
All I can do is shout
Louder and faster than most
That's what I do for a living
Traveling coast to coast

Tone deaf - I don't have good meter
Tone deaf - I can't sing tremolo
Tone deaf - I've got poor register

You won't hear me sing falsetto
No, I can't hit those high notes
And I can't go real low
All in all I'm tone deaf
And everyone tells me so

Tone deaf
Songs list of album: Definition (1992)
         Title Rating
01   Acid Rain lyrics   -
02   Tone Deaf lyrics   -
03   Guilt Trip lyrics   -
04   Hardball lyrics   -
05   The Application lyrics   -
06    Paying to Play lyrics Add lyrics   -
07   Say It lyrics   -
08   Dry Heaves lyrics  
09   Don't Ask lyrics   -
10   Time Out lyrics   -
11   Let It Go lyrics   -
12   You lyrics   -
13   The Target lyrics   -

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