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Composer: Elliott Smith

Elliott Smith - Clementine lyrics

they're waking you up to close the bar
the street's wet you can tell by the sound of the cars
the bartender's singing clementine
while he's turning around the open sign
dreadful sorry clementine
though you're still her man
it seems a long time gone
maybe the whole thing's wrong
what if she thinks so but just didn't say so?
you drank yourself into slo-mo
made an angel in the snow
anything to pass the time
and keep that song out of yr mind
oh my darling
oh my darling
oh my darling clementine
dreadful sorry clementine
Songs list of album: Elliott Smith (1995)
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01    Needle in the Hay lyrics Add lyrics   -
02   Christian Brothers lyrics   -
03   Clementine lyrics   -
04   Southern Belle lyrics   -
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