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Composer: Aimee Mann, Bernard Butler

Aimee Mann - Sugarcoated lyrics

You look the part of
The poor brave martyr
And guess who broke your heart?

The way that they would
Sugarcoat it
When they wrote it
I would've believed it, too
I would've believed it, too

I would believe that

I'm so relentless
And you're defenseless
Until the pencil stops

You'll be the one who's
'Till you believe it's true
'Till you believe it's true

'Til you believe it

And out of your mouth
Comes a string of cliches
Now I have given you so much rope
You should have been hanging for days
But you keep spitting it out

It wasn't nice, though
I came back twice, so
Now I'm the anti-Christ

If I would be as
They would have believed me, too
They would have believed me, too
Would you believe me, too?
Would you believe it, too?
Songs list of album: I'm With Stupid (1995)
         Title Rating
01   Long Shot lyrics   -
02    Choice in the Matter lyrics Add lyrics   -
03   Sugarcoated lyrics   -
04    You Could Make a Killing lyrics Add lyrics   -
05   Superball lyrics   -
06   Amateur lyrics   -
07    All over Now lyrics Add lyrics   -
08    Par for the Course lyrics Add lyrics   -
09    You're with Stupid Now lyrics Add lyrics   -
10   That's Just What You Are lyrics   -
11   Frankenstein lyrics   -
12   Ray lyrics   -
13   It's Not Safe lyrics   -

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