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Tom Lehrer - In Old Mexico lyrics

When it's fiesta time in Guadalajara,
Then I long to be back once again
In Old Mexico.
Where we lived for today,
Never giving a thought to tomara.
To the strumming of guitars,
In a hundred grubby bars
I would whisper "Te amo."

The mariachis would serenade,
And they would not shut up till they were paid.
We ate, we drank, and we were merry,
And we got typhoid and dysentery.

But best of all, we went to the Plaza de Toros.
Now whenever I start feeling morose,
I revive by recalling that scene.
And names like Belmonte, Dominguin, and Manolete,
If I live to a hundred and eighty,
I shall never forget what they mean.

(For there is surely nothing more beautiful in this
world than the sight of a lone man facing singlehandedly
a half a ton of angry pot roast!)

Out came the matador,
Who must have been potted or
Slightly insane, but who looked rather bored.
Then the picadors of course,
Each one on his horse,
I shouted "Ole!" ev'ry time one was gored.

I cheered at the bandilleros' display,
As they stuck the bull in their own clever way,
For I hadn't had so much fun since the day
My brother's dog Rover
Got run over.

(Rover was killed by a Pontiac. And it was done with
such grace and artistry that the witnesses awarded the
driver both ears and the tail--but I digress.)

The moment had come,
I swallowed my gum,
We knew there'd be blood on the sand pretty soon.
The crowd held its breath,
Hping that death
Would brighten an otherwise dull afternoon.

At last, the matador did what we wanted him to.
He raised his sword and his aim was true.
In that moment of truth I suddenly knew
That someone had stolen my wallet.

Now it's fiesta time in Akron, Ohio,
But it's back to old Guadalajara I'm longing to go.
Far away from the strikes of the A.F. of L. and C.I.O.
How I wish I could get back
To the land of the wetback,
And forget the Alamo,
In Old Mexico. Ole
Songs list of album: Concert [live] (1995)
         Title Rating
01    Poisoning Pigeons in the Park lyrics Add lyrics   -
02   Bright College Days lyrics   -
03   A Christmas Carol lyrics   -
04   The Elements lyrics   -
05   Oedipus Rex lyrics   -
06   In Old Mexico lyrics   -
07   Clementine lyrics   -
08    It Makes a Fellow Proud to Be a Soldier lyrics Add lyrics   -
09   She's My Girl lyrics   -
10   The Masochism Tango lyrics   -
11   We Will All Go Together When We Go lyrics   -
12    I Wanna Go Back to Dixie lyrics Add lyrics   -
13    The Wild West Is Where I Want to Be lyrics Add lyrics   -
14   The Old Dope Peddler lyrics   -
15    Fight Fiercely, Harvard lyrics Add lyrics   -
16   Lobachevsky lyrics   -
17   The Irish Ballad lyrics   -
18   The Hunting Song lyrics   -
19   My Home Town lyrics   -
20    When You Are Old and Grey lyrics Add lyrics   -
21   The Wiener Schnitzel Waltz lyrics   -
22    I Hold Your Hand in Mine lyrics Add lyrics   -
23   Be Prepared lyrics   -

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