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Composer: Tim Gane, Laetitia Sadier

Stereolab - Monstre Sacre lyrics

hastened decrepit,
old shrunken apple,
ready for the pit,
i have let you go,
without forgiving

or understanding,
so now you are gone,
there could be nothing,
you live within me,
we communicate,

the light it creates and the tears it generates
bring the forgivness
don't let me down now

life half sapped away,
it took all that time,
sice you passed away,
to moisten the love

wa have forged the sought after union brought us together and the fullness,
the completeness, the infinite simplicity the world offers forgivness
Songs list of album: Emperor Tomato Ketchup (1996)
         Title Rating
01   Metronomic Underground lyrics   -
02   Cybele's Reverie lyrics   -
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07    The Noise of Carpet lyrics Add lyrics   -
08   Tomorrow Is Already Here lyrics   -
09   Emperor Tomato Ketchup lyrics   -
10   Monstre Sacre lyrics   -
11   Motoroller Scalatron lyrics   -
12   Slow Fast Hazel lyrics   -
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