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Composer: Sick of It All

Sick of It All - Maria White Trash lyrics

maria white trash
woke us up in the middle of the night
maria white trash
came from Clovis to safe a life
maria white trash
let us know when he was turning blue
she let us know when the party was through

open your eyes. open your eyes
it's not time for you to leave us yet
open your eyes. open your eyes
that's a thing we won't accept
talk to me. talk to me
sheriff of the alleyway
talk to me. talk to me
don't give up

maria white trash
it's a good thing you were in the joint
maria white trash
earned a million karma points
maria white trash
together we did something great
we pulled the big man from the edge

open your eyes. open your eyes
it's not time for you to leave us yet
open your eyes. open your eyes
that's a thing we won't accept
talk to me. talk to me
sheriff of the alleyway
talk to me. talk to me
don't give up

and still he's breathing. and still he speaks
he's walks among us
the devil dog from flushing. queens
and still he's lurking. and still he creeps
he's still around
the devil man from NYC
the alleyway - fantasy's raging
the alleyway - his fantasy's deep
the alleyway - he walks among us
the devil dog from flushing. queens
the alleyway - fantasy's raging
the alleyway - his fantasy's deep
the alleyway - inked up like crazy
the devil man from NYC
Songs list of album: Death to Tyrants (2006)
         Title Rating
01    Take the Night Off lyrics Add lyrics   -
02   Machete lyrics   -
03    Preamble lyrics Add lyrics   -
04   Uprising Nation lyrics   -
05   Always War lyrics   -
06   Die Alone lyrics   -
07   Evil Schemer lyrics   -
08   Leader lyrics   -
09    Make a Mark lyrics Add lyrics   -
10   Forked Tongue lyrics   -
11   The Reason lyrics   -
12   Faithless lyrics   -
13   Fred Army lyrics   -
14   Thin Skin lyrics   -
15   Maria White Trash lyrics   -

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