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Composer: Tim Gane, Laetitia Sadier

Stereolab - Jenny Ondioline lyrics

Life on earth is a bloody
As in the city the public wears...
I think the brilliant cast for insane realities to come
and that's a decisive battle that we....haven't we lost

I don't care if the fascists have to win
I don't care democracy's being sucked
I don't care socialism's full of sin (Or: I don't care socialism's collapsing)
The unbeatable system engenders rot
That what is exciting
Is a challenge as the new nation
but the tensions have to be creative with some time

The innocent suffer from the transformation in the (their)country
They balance asylum...down and they run you
Obviously once more it could be culture...
I bet a lot oh don't you get to...

I don't care if the facists have to win
I don't care democracy's being sucked
I don't care socialism's collapsing
The indubitable* the system is so corrupt (* this sounds like immutable on the album version)
That what is exciting
Is a challenge as the new nation
But the tensions happy but (That the tensions happy but creative are so tight)

PLUS: from the album version

Life on earth is a bloody....
In place of the...
The horrors of the war are keeping me free to...
It was like taking candy from a baby.
Songs list of album: Transient Random-Noise Bursts With Announcements (1993)
         Title Rating
01    Tone Burst lyrics Add lyrics   -
02   Our Trinitone Blast lyrics   -
03   Pack Yr Romantic Mind lyrics  
04    I'm Going Out of My Way lyrics Add lyrics   -
05   Golden Ball lyrics   -
06   Pause lyrics   -
07   Jenny Ondioline lyrics   -
08   Analogue Rock lyrics   -
09   Crest lyrics   -
10    Lock-Groove Lullaby lyrics Add lyrics   -

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