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Composer: Tim Gane, Laetitia Sadier

Stereolab - Golden Ball lyrics

To accentuate

Put against the uniform that...

Deep into the ball of which its part

The only way it can communicate

To accentuate

What we have in common

We have nothing common

That can illuminate


Put against the uniform that...

Deep into the ball of which its part

The only way it can communicate

And so divisions open words

What is above, what is below

And in amongst the language

An energy can end it

What we have in common

We have nothing common

That can illuminate

The way to communicate


The only (viable sun? )

The only (guidable sun? )

The uniforms...

Golden ball (album)

The only (viable sun? )

What we have in common

We have nothing common



It can illuminate


To illuminate

To accentuate

To illuminate

To accentuate




From visible to invisible


That illuminates each fragment of the screen

Put into the ball of which its part


Theres no above, theres no below


The only...
Songs list of album: Transient Random-Noise Bursts With Announcements (1993)
         Title Rating
01    Tone Burst lyrics Add lyrics   -
02   Our Trinitone Blast lyrics   -
03   Pack Yr Romantic Mind lyrics  
04    I'm Going Out of My Way lyrics Add lyrics   -
05   Golden Ball lyrics   -
06   Pause lyrics   -
07   Jenny Ondioline lyrics   -
08   Analogue Rock lyrics   -
09   Crest lyrics   -
10    Lock-Groove Lullaby lyrics Add lyrics   -

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