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Composer: David Bazan

Pedro the Lion - The Poison lyrics

The poison makes its way through my body slowly
Into the pleasure centers of my brain
If you were here I would admit that I’m an asshole
But now it’s over and I can’t stay sober
Though it isn’t like I’ve tried
On the front porch or on an airplane on vacation
Or out for dinner in a nearby town
I was so proud just to have you sitting with me
But now it’s over and I can’t stay sober
Pour and swallow follow one drink with another
I’ll keep on til you agree to come back over
Or until there are x’s on my eyes
My old man always swore that hell would have no flame
Just a front row seat to watch you true love pack her things and drive away
Songs list of album: Achilles Heel (2004)
         Title Rating
01   Bands With Managers lyrics   -
02   Foregone Conclusions lyrics   -
03   The Fleecing lyrics   -
04   Discretion lyrics   -
05   Arizona lyrics   -
06   Keep Swinging lyrics   -
07   Transcontinental lyrics   -
08   I Do lyrics   -
09   A Simple Plan lyrics   -
10   Start Without Me lyrics   -
11   The Poison lyrics   -

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