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Composer: Snapcase

Snapcase - Caboose lyrics

do you know yourself
do you know the others
can you pull the weight that rides on another's shoulders
once you've lost yourself to the acceptance mask
well could you find yourself
it's not a simple task
comes from within
take a different track
it's time to see what you are made of
can you expose yourself
can you peel off another layer
will you make the time
the time to control
because only you can save yourself
only you can save your soul
and once you save yourself
insecurities will die
genuine qualities
and true character will shine
now that you belong to you
what will the others think
well, soon they'll follow you
you'll see they're all so weak
come on
can you, let go
can you, be you
Songs list of album: Progression Through Unlearning (1997)
         Title Rating
01   Caboose lyrics   -
02   Guilty by Ignorance lyrics   -
03   Harrison Bergerson lyrics  
04   Priceless lyrics   -
05   Zombie Prescription lyrics   -
06   Killing Yourself to Live lyrics   -
07   She Suffocates lyrics   -
08   Weak Tyrant lyrics   -
09   Vent lyrics   -
10   Breaking and Reaching lyrics   -

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