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Composer: Naoko Yamano

Shonen Knife - Little Tree lyrics

There's a little tree in my yard
It was a very very hot summer
A great big green caterpillar
Was eating the leaves of the tree

Oh my dear little tree
I want to help the little tree
Oh my poor little tree
If I don't help it will be bare

My little tree

There are many trees in the forest
It was a very very hot summer
A big bulldozing caterpillar
Was pushing down all the trees

Oh, my dear, the little trees
We've gotta help the little trees
Oh my poor the little trees
If we don't help the earth will be bare

My little tree

A few months have passed
It was a refreshing autumn
I came down to my yard
The tree was flowering

Oh, my sweet little tree
Beautiful white flowers
Oh, my sweet little tree
Someday you'll be a big tree

My little tree
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