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Snapcase - Incarnation lyrics

incarnation, bring it to life
bring it to life
embody the soul
the soul, the spirit, the essence of life
life now absent in our consciousness
in this world, death just exists

I know that we can live today
but tomorrow's more important
the future looks
don't mean it's hopeless
carpe diem is great, with focus in duration
it's time to live again, incarnation

associate the masses
in a world that's worth existence
endure the pain, universalize the message
we've got to kill the fear that halts us in relations
it's time to live again, incarnation

it's time to live
in a world worth living
a sense of hpe
a sense of feeling
recognise death, life is celebration
start today, incarnation
Songs list of album: Lookinglasself (1995)
         Title Rating
01   Drain Me lyrics   -
02   Filter lyrics   -
03   Incarnation lyrics   -
04   Decieved lyrics   -
05   Looking Glass Self lyrics   -
06   No Bridge lyrics   -
07   Covered lyrics   -
08   Another's Life lyrics   -
09   Fields of Illusion lyrics   -

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