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Composer: Naoko Yamano, Fear, P.

Shonen Knife - Fruit Loop Dreams lyrics

There's a big bird names Toucan Sam
With a pretty colored beak like a candy cane

I wonder if he'd be so nice (be so nice)
As to take us to fruit loop paradise!

Chocolate dreams and ice cream streams
Fancy flavored clouds and sun
Lots of cake and soda pop
and lollipops for everyone

I wish that I was like Toucan Sam
I could fly to rainbow and candy land
Take all my friends to a tasty place
Get a beak and go flying in outer space

Chocolate dreams and ice cream streams
Fancy flavored clouds and sun
Lots of cake and soda pop
and lollipops for everyone
Songs list of album: 712 (1991)
         Title Rating
01   Shonen Knife lyrics   -
02   Lazybone lyrics   -
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07    My Favourite Town Osaka lyrics Add lyrics   -
08   Faith Healer lyrics   -
09   Redd Kross lyrics   -
10   White Flag lyrics   -
11   Superstar lyrics   -
12   Expo '90 lyrics   -
13   Fruit Loop Dreams lyrics   -
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