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Composer: Naoko Yamano

Shonen Knife - Shonen Knife lyrics

Good morning Shonen Knife freaks!

All the people in the world have been waiting for
Shonen Knife's new album
White, black, yellow, everybody
I'll present it to you now

Ozonic stratus has been destroyed
The earth became warmer
But we'll go and go and go-go-go

U-u-ultra eccentric super cult punk pop band Shonen Knife

Nick Lowe, Costello, Beatles
Redd Kross, Ramones, Buzzcocks
Shonen Knife is a cult band

Every every every...body! Shonen Knife!

All the people in the world have been waiting for
Shonen Knife's new album
White, black, yellow, everybody
I'll present it to you now

Violence, military power, atomic energy
Here comes the end of a century

But we'll go and go go-go-go

U-u-ultra eccentric super cult punk pop band Shonen Knife

Mockn', Johnathan Richman, XTC and more
Shonen Knife is a cult band

Every every every...body! Shonen Knife
Songs list of album: 712 (1991)
         Title Rating
01   Shonen Knife lyrics   -
02   Lazybone lyrics   -
03   Diet Run lyrics   -
04   Blue Oyster Cult lyrics   -
05   Rain lyrics   -
06    The Luck of the Irish lyrics Add lyrics   -
07    My Favourite Town Osaka lyrics Add lyrics   -
08   Faith Healer lyrics   -
09   Redd Kross lyrics   -
10   White Flag lyrics   -
11   Superstar lyrics   -
12   Expo '90 lyrics   -
13   Fruit Loop Dreams lyrics   -
14   The Moon World lyrics   -
15   Baggs lyrics   -

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