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Composer: Rainer Maria

Rainer Maria - The Imperatives lyrics

when we can't begin
unless it's with an argument
we're losing out on
love for the sake of it

I was thinking we can go and live
in a monastery
throw away the imperatives
make our pockets empty

'cuz I'm feeling bankrupt
and I'm losing speed
and I don't wanna hold on
to anything

when I misbehaved
to get what I wanted
was that wrong when what I wanted was
love and affection

let's get out
let's get out
let's get out
let's get out

I was thinking we can go and live
in a monastery
Songs list of album: Long Knives Drawn (2003)
         Title Rating
01    Mystery and Misery lyrics Add lyrics   -
02   Long Knives lyrics   -
03   Ears Ring lyrics   -
04   The Double Life lyrics   -
05   The Awful Truth of Loving lyrics   -
06   The Imperatives lyrics   -
07   Floors lyrics   -
08   CT Catholic lyrics   -
09    Situation: Relation lyrics Add lyrics   -

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