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Fireside - Throwstar lyrics

Something is missing around here,

surrounded by tragical memories

That pushes me out of the too small bed

In a too small house

Pieces of the shelter is missing

Waving with the white flag,

no answer returned

Mad at the know not who's fault,

hoping that you're OK


Why should you be there,

To spread it out again

You're trapped inside your home

Such a nice place,

just a bit too small

You're trapped inside your home,

such a nice place

Believing that it's gonna be all the same,

haven't realised what damage is done

Waiting for the phone to ring

Like it used to,

in the middle of the night

Finding hidden alcohol in the closet,

but ignored the warning

Your chance was taken away,

I'm hoping that you're OK


Never satisfied

Nothing is ever too good

Even if the pieces fall right

You spread it out again
Songs list of album: Fantastic Four (1999)
         Title Rating
01   Sparkler lyrics   -
02   Throwstar lyrics   -
03    Sorrier lyrics Add lyrics   -
04   Jupiter lyrics   -
05   Jerricco lyrics   -
06   Goatgob lyrics   -
07    The Monster Song lyrics Add lyrics   -
08   Killerwood lyrics   -
09   Slack lyrics   -
10   Pete lyrics   -
11   Styrofoam lyrics   -
12   Downer lyrics   -
13   Al Tonno Q lyrics   -
14   Slipper Hero lyrics   -

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