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Composer: Curt Kirkwood

Meat Puppets - Eyeball lyrics

Four skulls in a square of bushes
Fireworks now and all were wed
They loved and walked and fed on garbage
Moved pool tables with bad backs

Since I hurt myself
I feel so much better
Suck my eyeball

Alcohol was pouring through the victims
As on the rocks they laid their breath
Alcohol was fed to the mummies
As they all were happily led to death

Take yourself a photo of my backside
Printed up on the front page
Not too sweet, not too strong
Pins, combs, picks and magic sage
Songs list of album: No Joke! (1995)
         Title Rating
01   Scum lyrics   -
02   Nothing lyrics   -
03   Head lyrics   -
04    Taste of the Sun lyrics Add lyrics   -
05   Vampires lyrics   -
06   Predator lyrics   -
07   Poison Arrow lyrics   -
08   Eyeball lyrics   -
09   For Free lyrics   -
10   Cobbler lyrics   -
11   Inflatable lyrics   -
12   Sweet Ammonia lyrics   -
13   Chemical Garden lyrics   -

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