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Composer: Danny Walker

Wank - Never lyrics

mickey was a bad ass from phoenix
he had a dagger with a skull on the handle
living by his own rules
he had a stare that could kill
a strong man
three to one, count mickey in
it's always a pleasure to dance
pray for your life cuz he delegates
nothin to chance whoa
bombastic, ballistic
grounded by a bullet in the back
well i said yeah yeah mickey's back yeah
one by one knock em out baby
dagger in hand you're gonna leave that boy for dead
i know you crazy kid
one by one,
you mess around, not mickey man
get to the point (yeah)
make it good
look in his eyes and you play with your life
playig with fire, energy crude
so tragic, malicious
grounded by a bullet in the back
well i said yeah yeah mickey's back
yeah one by one knock em up baby
dagger in hand
you're gonna leave that boy for dead
i know you crazy kid
one by one, one by one
mickey mickey
knock em out baby
dagger in hand
you're gonna leave that boy for dead
i know you crazy kid
one bye one, one by one
stick em up, stick em up, stick em up,
you mess around
not mickey man
get to the point(yeah)
make it good
look in his eyes and you play with your life
playing with fire, energy crude
so tragic malicious
grounded by a bullet in the back
well i said yeah yeah mickey's back yeah
one by one knock em out baby
dagger in hand you're gonna leave that boy for dead
i know, you crazy kid
one by one, one by one(2x)
mickey was a bad ass from phoenix
Songs list of album: Get a Grip on Yourself (1996)
         Title Rating
01   Crime Pays lyrics   -
02   Forgiven lyrics   -
03   Super Normal lyrics   -
04   Fearless lyrics   -
05   Never lyrics   -
06   On the Radio lyrics   -
07    Paradnoid lyrics Add lyrics   -
08   Best Friend lyrics   -
09   Mickey lyrics   -
10    Diana's Haus lyrics Add lyrics   -
11   Larry Brown lyrics   -
12    White Lighting lyrics Add lyrics   -

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