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Composer: Curt Kirkwood

Meat Puppets - Comin' Down lyrics

Comin' down from the mountain
I have seen the high and mighty
I will go again someday
But for now I'm comin' down

Comin' down from the mountain
I have seen the lofty glory
I will go again someday
But for now I'm comin' down

I have seen their information
On the lighter side of dumbness
I have heard the new statistics
And the stomping on the ground

Picking slowly up the rockslide
One thing always seems apparent
If the climb becomes too much
I can always turn around

Wakin' up from my slumber
To misunderstand another
Though they call it terra firma
It dissolves beneath my feet

Looking through a pile of garbage
For some worthless piece of paper
That's been hidden there for me
To give meaning to my day

Goin' down to the desert
To the dirty filthy desert
I'll be crawling through the sand
For at least a couple days

Goin' down to the desert
There are things there worth avoiding
And it always makes me cross
When those things get in my way
Songs list of album: Too High to Die (1994)
         Title Rating
01   Violet Eyes lyrics   -
02    Never to Be Found lyrics Add lyrics   -
03   We Don't Exist lyrics   -
04   Severed Goddess Hand lyrics   -
05   Flaming Heart lyrics   -
06   Shine lyrics   -
07   Station lyrics   -
08    Roof With a Hole lyrics Add lyrics   -
09   Backwater lyrics   -
10   Things lyrics   -
11    Why? lyrics Add lyrics   -
12   Evil Love lyrics   -
13   Comin' Down lyrics   -

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