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Composer: Blake Schwarzenbach

Jawbreaker - Ache lyrics

I believe in desperate acts.
The kind that make me look stupid. (Look like a fool)
Just keep reinventing myself.
It's move or die. (I change my form)
These days the people I love
are spread so far apart. (All out of reach)
It's a thin sheet
Across the face. (Cover me now)

That's pretty old.
I never felt like this before.
I say that every hour.

It's never going to be like it could have been.
Now it's just this room. (Window looks back)
You're a big part of it.
But I don't care. (You take the lead)
And can you really see me now
Like I made me? (Made me anew)
Just like anyone at all.
Safer alone.

So right, so wrong.
Another winter's coming on.
You win, you lose.
It's the same old news. (These things go wrong so often)
Pick up the phone
and punch your code.
Somewhere, sometime let me make you mine.

Lean your head on mine
Like you used to. (Used to your lean)
I don't mind if you're faking it. (Make it seem real)
I'm not asking the questions.
I'm not demanding the answers now. (Take what you give)
Right or wrong, just take me,
lead me on.
I'm going
Songs list of album: 24 Hour Revenge Therapy (1993)
         Title Rating
01    The Boat Dreams from the Hill lyrics Add lyrics   -
02   Indictment lyrics   -
03   Boxcar lyrics   -
04   Outpatient lyrics   -
05   Ashtray Monument lyrics   -
06   Condition Oakland lyrics   -
07   Ache lyrics   -
08    Do You Still Hate Me? lyrics Add lyrics   -
09   West Bay Invitational lyrics   -
10   Jinx Removing lyrics   -
11   In Sadding Around lyrics   -

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