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Composer: Blake Schwarzenbach

Jawbreaker - Condition Oakland lyrics

I rode down to the tracks.
Thinking they might sing to me.
But they just stared back.
Broken, trainless and black as night.
Climbed out onto my roof.
So I'd be a poet in the night.
Beat the walls off my room.
I saw the big room that is this life.

This is my condition:
Naked and hysterical,
Reaching to grab a hand
that I just slapped back at.
This is my condition:
Desperate, alone,
Without an excuse.
I try to explain. Christ, what's the use?

Read and I felt so small.
Some words keep speaking
When you close the book.
Drank and just about smiled.
Then I remembered us in that bed.
Put my ear to the door.
I just heard hot rods
and gunshots and sirens.
People kill me these days.
There's keys in their eyes
But they lock from the inside
Songs list of album: 24 Hour Revenge Therapy (1993)
         Title Rating
01    The Boat Dreams from the Hill lyrics Add lyrics   -
02   Indictment lyrics   -
03   Boxcar lyrics   -
04   Outpatient lyrics   -
05   Ashtray Monument lyrics   -
06   Condition Oakland lyrics   -
07   Ache lyrics   -
08    Do You Still Hate Me? lyrics Add lyrics   -
09   West Bay Invitational lyrics   -
10   Jinx Removing lyrics   -
11   In Sadding Around lyrics   -

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