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Composer: Rob Zabrecky, O'Sullivan, Robert

Possum Dixon - John Struck Lucy lyrics

This is a very important announcement.)
Lucy is being photographed by John on the bathroom floor.
John is taking pictures of Lucy.
The wall is dripping from the sink.

And John struck Lucy.
John, the boss, the lover, the giant and a lot of things.
He hit her with a stick. (Price check on four)
And John struck Lucy. (Yeah, number four)
Go away.

Then John struck Lucy. (2x
Songs list of album: Possum Dixon (1993)
         Title Rating
01   Nerves lyrics   -
02   In Buildings lyrics   -
03    Watch the Girl Destroy Me lyrics Add lyrics   -
04   She Drives lyrics   -
05   We're All Happy lyrics   -
06   Invisible lyrics   -
07   Pharmaceutical Itch lyrics   -
08   Executive Slacks lyrics   -
09   Regina lyrics   -
10   John Struck Lucy lyrics   -
11   Elevators lyrics   -

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