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Composer: Happy Mondays

Happy Mondays - Angel lyrics

Its not I who sought the novice It's the novice who sought me Cook went blind and drank too much And fed his guest on angeldust Where did the pain start When did the symptoms begin Where did the pain start What have the symptoms been? If my heads been through a windscreen Why are all the eyeballs green? Take me round the roundabout Slow down, don't stop Bail out-Pull out It was not I who bit the sheriff It was the sheriff who bit me By my lambchops, buttercup What a crucifixion What a crucifixion mean I was bitten by a horse Now Im moving for divorce It took more than one man to change my name to Shanghai Lily Whats a cluckin chicken Whats a cluckin chicken need Where's the cluckin chicken Where's the cluckin chicken been
Songs list of album: Yes, Please (1992)
         Title Rating
01    Stinkin Thinkin lyrics Add lyrics   -
02   Monkey in the Family lyrics   -
03   Sunshine and Love lyrics   -
04   Dustman lyrics   -
05   Angel lyrics   -
06    Cut 'Em Loose Bruce lyrics Add lyrics   -
07    Theme from Netto lyrics Add lyrics   -
08   Love Child lyrics   -
09   Total Ringo lyrics   -
10   Cowboy Dave lyrics   -

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