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Composer: Cocteau Twins

Cocteau Twins - Persephone lyrics

Hey, the chances I must waste
Hey, ever dirt even there month got a car
Here's what it takes (x4)
Paper chase is on
These are on my speed
For he warbled
Bought arachnophobe
On the tiara, By the gin's rack
Paper chase is on
These are on my space

Paper chase is on Hey, the chances I must face
These are on my speed Oh, you warbler
For he warbled Hey, that's by the car
Bought arachnophobe
On the tiara
By the gin's rack
Paper chase is on
These are on my space

I watch him trail (x4)
Hey, for eight means paper chace Paper warm beings means the paper chace
For our time being's For our time being's never changes this
Never changes this (x2)

Here's what it takes (x6)

Paper warm beings means the paper chace Here's what it takes
For our time being's never changes this
Here's what it takes

Hey, for eight means paper chase
For our time being's never changes this
Songs list of album: Treasure (1984)
         Title Rating
01   Ivo lyrics   -
02   Lorelei lyrics   -
03   Beatrix lyrics   -
04   Persephone lyrics   -
05   Pandora lyrics   -
06   Amelia lyrics   -
07   Aloysius lyrics   -
08   Cicely lyrics   -
09   Otterley lyrics   -
10   Donimo lyrics   -

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