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Silver Sun - Far Out lyrics

Dumb bitch when I stop it's not for you in the road (yeah)
Not as you think, some sort of love code (yeah)
Suicide was an option for me
You'd like to think it was for you
But I know better I know better-yeah
Are you, as dumb as the last one?
As dumb, as dumb, as dumb, as dumb,
Are you, as dumb as the last one?
As dumb, as dumb, as dumb, as dumb,as dumb,
Are you, as dumb as the last one?
As dumb, as dumb, as dumb, as dumb, as dumb,
As dumb as the last one
As dumb as the last one?
Well there's a taxi waiting outside for you (yeah)
So please go out and get your last ride
Your love's no good in '95
So go on, so go on, so go on, and make it better
and make it better yeah
(repeat chorus)
Songs list of album: Silver Sun (1997)
         Title Rating
01    Test lyrics Add lyrics   -
02   Golden Skin lyrics   -
03   Dumb lyrics   -
04   Julia lyrics   -
05   Far Out lyrics   -
06   Last Day lyrics   -
07   Service lyrics   -
08   Yellow Light lyrics   -
09   Lava lyrics   -
10   2 Digits lyrics   -
11    This 'N' That lyrics Add lyrics   -
12   Wonderful lyrics   -
13   Bad Haircut lyrics   -
14    Nobody lyrics Add lyrics   -
15   Animals Feet lyrics   -

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