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Composer: Milo Aukerman

Descendents - Hope lyrics

Why can't you see you torture me
You're already thinking about someone else
When he comes home you'll be in your arms and I'll be gone
But I know
My day will come
I know someday
I'll be the only one
You wait for his spark
You know it'll turn you on
Cause He's gonna make you feel the way you want to feel
When he starts to lie when he makes you cry
My day will come
I know someday
I'll be the only one
So call me selfish call me what you like
But I think it's right to want someone for all your own
and not to share her love
And I'll have my way and you won't have to say anyway
No,You don't stand a chance!
So now you wait for his spark
You know it will turn You on
"It's making love"
Cause He's gonna make you feel the way you want to feel
When he starts to lie when he makes you cry
My day will come
I know someday
I'll be the only one
You want perfection
I see your self destruction
You don't know what you want
It's gonna take you years to find out
I'm not giving up
And when you've had enough you'll take your bruised little head
And you'll come running, running back to me
I'm gonna be the only one
Songs list of album: Milo Goes to College (1982)
         Title Rating
01   Myage lyrics   -
02    I Wanna Be a Bear lyrics Add lyrics   -
03    I'm Not a Loser lyrics Add lyrics   -
04   Parents lyrics   -
05   Tony Age lyrics   -
06   M-16 lyrics   -
07    I'm Not a Punk lyrics Add lyrics   -
08   Catalina lyrics   -
09   Suburban Home lyrics   -
10    Statue of Liberty lyrics Add lyrics   -
11   Kabuki Girl lyrics   -
12   Marriage lyrics   -
13   Hope lyrics   -
14   Bikeage lyrics   -
15   Jean Is Dead lyrics   -

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