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Composer: Tim Finn, Neil Finn

Finn Brothers - Only Talking Sense lyrics

(N. FinnT. Finn)
there's a wild thing in the woolshed
and it's keeping me awake at night
a devil in the closet
and a feeling I'd prefer to hide
he is religion
he won't hear me when I cry for help
he has a vision of me
but I am somebody else
we talk the pillow
there are times when I'm tied up to the fence
only talking sense
there's a mirror lake before me
but I'm frozen when it's time to jump
It's like maybe I'm afraid of what I'll find
when independence comes
you steel my shadow
you make my blood run dry
we are true only when we talk the pillow
there are times when I'm tied up to the fence
only talking sense
did you suffer as a child
that's why you want to make me cry
you are afraid of me
that's why you're so unkind
you won't deny it
when your child is tied up to the fence
and I'm only talking sense
lonely when we talk the pillow
and your child is messed up in the head
I'm only talking sense
Songs list of album: Finn (1995)
         Title Rating
01   Only Talking Sense lyrics   -
02   Eyes of the World lyrics   -
03   Mood Swinging Man lyrics   -
04   Last Day of June lyrics   -
05   Suffer Never lyrics   -
06    Angel's Heap lyrics Add lyrics   -
07   Niwhai lyrics   -
08    Where Is My Soul lyrics Add lyrics   -
09   Bullets in My Hairdo lyrics   -
10    Paradise (Wherever You Are) lyrics Add lyrics   -
11   Kiss the Road of Rarotonga lyrics   -

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