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Composer: Brad Roberts

Crash Test Dummies - There Are Many Dangers lyrics

If your toast gets stuck in the toaster
Do not put a fork in the toaster while it is hooked up, or look out
I did and I got caught in the current
Pulled me in and shook me while it held me tight

There are many dangers
They could be in a toaster or a common thing
You must keep a lookout
Remember all the rules they have for everything

When it's very, very cold out
Do not put your tongue on cold metal things
For example, stop signs
I did and they had to pull some skin off
And then they had to fill my mouth with cotton at night

There are many dangers
They could be in a toaster or a common thing
You must keep a lookout
Remember all the rules they have for everything

When they'd taken out my tonsils
I brought them home
Kept them in a jar on the shelving in my room
Between the toaster, stop sign, and my tonsils
I've got lots of things to think about at night

There are many dangers
Could be in a toaster or a common thing
You must keep a lookout
Remember all the rules they have for everything
Songs list of album: A Worm's Life (1996)
         Title Rating
01   Overachievers lyrics   -
02    He Liked to Feel It lyrics Add lyrics   -
03   A Worm S Life lyrics   -
04   Our Driver Gestures lyrics   -
05   My Enemies lyrics   -
06   There Are Many Dangers lyrics   -
07    I'm Outlived by That Thing? lyrics Add lyrics   -
08    All of This Ugly lyrics Add lyrics   -
09   An Old Scab lyrics   -
10   My Own Sunrise lyrics   -
11    I'm a Dog lyrics Add lyrics   -
12   Swatting Flies lyrics   -

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