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Composer: Brad Roberts

Crash Test Dummies - A Worm S Life lyrics

Although you think me cold and slimy
I've got a nice home
I've tasted your best guacamole
And siesta'd at noon in the cool of the soil

A worm's life can be easy
If you lay low, out of sight

Sometimes it's too hot for cooking
One wants just a salad
And then comes a breeze in the evening
The men light cigars and their scent fills the air

A worm's life can be easy
If you lay low, out of sight

But then the rains come, and the ground fills with water
And I must come up to the surface for air
Then I was plucked from the wet slime
And dropped in tequila
I lay in a stupor for sometime
And one fine night I was gulped down in a shot

A worm's life can be easy
If you lay low, out of sight
Songs list of album: A Worm's Life (1996)
         Title Rating
01   Overachievers lyrics   -
02    He Liked to Feel It lyrics Add lyrics   -
03   A Worm S Life lyrics   -
04   Our Driver Gestures lyrics   -
05   My Enemies lyrics   -
06   There Are Many Dangers lyrics   -
07    I'm Outlived by That Thing? lyrics Add lyrics   -
08    All of This Ugly lyrics Add lyrics   -
09   An Old Scab lyrics   -
10   My Own Sunrise lyrics   -
11    I'm a Dog lyrics Add lyrics   -
12   Swatting Flies lyrics   -

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