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Composer: Mark Kozelek

Red House Painters - Shadows lyrics

the coarse and white colored skin
it blends with the state you're in
and the wetness of your eyes
against a sun that clouds blind

you ain't saying nothing that i don't already know
when you say love's dimming light won't shine on tomorrow

chalk white apartment walls
surfaces my every flaw
and the naked and still in here
it brings some real life into clear

you ain't doing nothing that i don't already know
when you hide your sorry head in pillows

you fake a strained, sort of grin
that matches the shape you're in
and accept any lies are truth
after the long year that we've been through

you ain't doing nothing that i don't already know
when you say life takes turns like fiery shadows
Songs list of album: Ocean Beach (1995)
         Title Rating
01    Cabezon lyrics Add lyrics   -
02   Summer Dress lyrics   -
03   San Geronimo lyrics   -
04   Shadows lyrics   -
05   Over My Head lyrics   -
06   Red Carpet lyrics   -
07   Brockwell Park lyrics   -
08   Moments lyrics   -
09   Drop lyrics   -

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