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Composer: Guttermouth

Guttermouth - Thought Provoking Sonic Device lyrics

got a thing or two i want to say gonna rock you down if your in my way don't want no peace or love and kindness all i really ever need is... silence! i'll tell you when it's time to speak riot! hopefully sometime next week fire! starting in your own backyard don't trust me cause i'll lie to you gonna make a point to not come though my smiling face will stab your back what i really want to do is... violence! beating grandma sure sound fine steal! there counldn't be a better time thanks! for everything not nailed down when i was very young my folks would go away say mark go watch tv i couldn't disobey i did as they would say it started to control me i started to withdraw i didn't care at all filling my face with tater tots tv made me think it was ok to drink and kill, rape, steal, loot, fuck, cheat, lie, destroy violence a lot of violence i was raised by the big blue screen you don't want me on your team you can't cure me you cannot make it stop though provoking sonic device
Songs list of album: Teri Yakimoto (1996)
         Title Rating
01   Use Your Mind lyrics   -
02    Trinket Trading, Tick Toting, Toothless Tired, Tramps (7T'S) lyrics Add lyrics   -
03   Generous Portions lyrics   -
04   A Day at the Office lyrics   -
05   Teri Yakimoto lyrics   -
06   Whiskey lyrics   -
07   Lock Down lyrics   -
08   God's Kingdom lyrics   -
09   Mark's Ark lyrics   -
10    Room for Improvement lyrics Add lyrics   -
11    Casserole of Life lyrics Add lyrics   -
12   Thought Provoking Sonic Device lyrics   -
13   I Saw the Light lyrics   -
14   1-2-3-4 lyrics   -
15    Under the Sea lyrics Add lyrics   -

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