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Composer: Frenzal Rhomb, Crease, Forman, McDougall, Whalley

Frenzal Rhomb - Cruelty to Animals lyrics

Plug me in
Don't count me in
Its true not everybody wins
Left in the cold
I'm feeling old
Lowest bidder I am sold
All roads lead to caring only for yourself
So I am told
Is this the day I subscribe to the magazine a hundred K?
Seems everybody's doing it
And aren't we having fun
It's the new craze
It's all the rage
It's not a yo-yo or a maze
It's the new thing that's grabbed
the imagination of everyone
Seems everybody's doing it
And this is how it goes
Buy stuff and sex and drugs and cruelty to animals.
Songs list of album: Forever Malcolm Young (2006)
         Title Rating
01   Forever Malcolm Young lyrics   -
02   Graham "Abo" Henry lyrics   -
03   Johnny Ramone Was in a Fucken Good Band But He Was a C**t (Gabba Gabba lyrics   -
04   Red Wine and Altar Boys lyrics   -
05   Brian's Problems lyrics   -
06   When Will I See You at the Icu lyrics   -
07   Please Go Over There lyrics   -
08   Fuck You and Your Stupid Band lyrics   -
09   Cruelty to Animals lyrics   -
10   Don't Touch the Rabbit lyrics   -
11   Medicine Balls lyrics   -
12   Predickle Me This lyrics   -
13   Goon Wolf lyrics   -
14   I'm a Backwards Fucken Useless Piece of Dogshit... and I Vote lyrics   -
15   You Need a Friend lyrics   -
16   Holiday Not Vacation lyrics   -
17   Don't Shoot the Guests lyrics   -
18   Caps Lock lyrics   -
19   Find Your Own Way Home lyrics   -
20   Wha' Happened? lyrics   -
21    Sucking All Over the World [DVD] lyrics Add lyrics   -

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