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Composer: Reese Roper, Clup, Dennis

Five Iron Frenzy - Juggernaut lyrics

This seems too big for me
hulking monstrosity
too late to get out now
And like the speed of sound
this thing has brought me down
I dont remember how
I want to be free
but Juggernaut is killing me

Freedom like a song
The weak shall be made strong
I may sink before I swim
but Im not giving in to you
Juggernaut/ Juggernaut

Beneath machinery
specter of treachery
and Ive lost everything
And I am getting out
the shadow of my doubt
is suffocating
my own worst enemy
this Juggernaut is killing me

From machines that I have made
Ive become the slave
but Ive been carried along
freedom like a song
Freedom lifts me like a song
when the weak shall be made strong...
Songs list of album: Five Iron Frenzy, Vol. 2: Electric Boogaloo (2001)
         Title Rating
01   Pre-Ex-Girlfriend lyrics   -
02    Far, Far Away lyrics Add lyrics   -
03   You Can't Handle This lyrics   -
04   Farsighted lyrics   -
05   Spartan lyrics   -
06   The Day We Killed lyrics   -
07   Juggernaut lyrics   -
08   Plan B lyrics   -
09   Blue Mix lyrics   -
10   Vultures lyrics   -
11   Car lyrics   -
12   Eulogy lyrics   -

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