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Composer: Reese Roper, Clup, Dennis

Five Iron Frenzy - Spartan lyrics

Billie Holiday on the radio
my sluggish heart is beating seven beats too slow
another sad song and another shot of blue
cold and unconcerned are anything but new
He said Love endures all things?and it hurts to think Hes right
If I mark the span of failure
is his burden just as light?

I am, Spartan
close my heart so tight
Save me
from myself tonight

Limping through the world
theres a knowing look or two
is it just the cripples here
who understand the truth?
Why is love so painful
why do we always lose
paving pathways for the lost
the bitter, and recluse?
He said Love endures all things?and it hurts to think its true
did it nail Him on a cross
did it crucify Him too?

The angels are singing over the plains
the shepherds are quaking, echoing refrains
And all of our slogans designed to take away the pain
meant nothing to the Son of God that night in Bethlehem
Songs list of album: Five Iron Frenzy, Vol. 2: Electric Boogaloo (2001)
         Title Rating
01   Pre-Ex-Girlfriend lyrics   -
02    Far, Far Away lyrics Add lyrics   -
03   You Can't Handle This lyrics   -
04   Farsighted lyrics   -
05   Spartan lyrics   -
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08   Plan B lyrics   -
09   Blue Mix lyrics   -
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