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Composer: Dicky Barrett, The Mighty Mighty Bosstones, Dennis Brockenborough

The Mighty Mighty Bosstones - Break So Easily lyrics

You would break so easily
So fragile that it frightens me
A harsh sudden reality
A painful possibility
To see it's like the strangest dream
to be it needs to still be seen
As loud as any noise you've heard
As quiet as a whispered word
Try to answer questions forced
Forced inside of me
You were forced across the line
You're not providing me
You would break so easily
I watched you break so easily
What's it like to be right up against
Not stay on this side of the fence
A line so fine it can't be traced
A life so suddenly erased
Two came through just like a train
A flash and nothing's been the same
try to answer questions forced
Forced inside of me
You took the answers when you broke
So easily you're gone
Once the same until
You broke so easily
Tell me now
Songs list of album: Let's Face It (1997)
         Title Rating
01   Noise Brigade lyrics   -
02    The Rascal King lyrics Add lyrics   -
03   Royal Oil lyrics   -
04   The Impression That I Get lyrics  
05   Let's Face It lyrics   -
06   That Bug Bit Me lyrics   -
07   Another Drinkin' Song lyrics   -
08   Numbered Days lyrics   -
09   Break So Easily lyrics   -
10    Never Mind Me lyrics Add lyrics   -
11   Desensitized lyrics   -
12   1-2-8 lyrics   -

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