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Composer: Robyn Hitchcock

Robyn Hitchcock - Glass Hotel lyrics

seems like you were in a glass hotel
seems like, seems like
seems like there was someone else as well
seems like, it seems

seems like you were in your glass hotel
seems like, seems like
it seems like everything was going well
it seems like a dream

well the radio was playing
in the darkness of the hall
there was someone standing with you
who just wasn't there at all
and you were laughing

well the telephone was ringing
in a corridor of blue
a geranium came out of it
reminded me of you
and i was crying

seems like you were in a glass hotel
seems like, it seems like
seems like there was someone else as well
it seems like, it seems

well there's nothing in the future
and there's nothing in the past
there is only this one moment
and you've got to make it last
and you were laughing in a glass hotel
Songs list of album: Eye (1990)
         Title Rating
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11   Beautiful Girl lyrics   -
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14    Agony of Pleasure lyrics Add lyrics   -
15   Glass Hotel lyrics   -
16   Satellite lyrics   -
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20    Agony of Pleasure [*/demo version] lyrics Add lyrics   -
21    Queen Elvis [*/demo version] lyrics Add lyrics   -

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