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Composer: Tim Armstrong, Matt Freeman

Rancid - Whirlwind lyrics

Every cities got an artery where the blind
Breaks down an avenue or a boulevard
And a boy who wears a crown
Indignant life styles implies simply lack of means
Dognatical authoritarians dictate the cities remain
A promise to go to heaven won't put salvation in sight
Whirlwind is coming
A promise to go to heaven won't put salvation in sight
Whirlwind is comin' down on me
When the factory shut down so did the place he lived
Blood money for junk bonds by a white collar fugitive
All the tax free incentives ain't goin' to help him now
Generations of job security gone out like the horse and plow
My old man worked his troubled life in a nowhere dead end
He drank the pain away
I'll be damned if that's me having my dreams robbed
The working class crries a country that has been rotting inside for years
The rigs cuffed my old man in the front yard
I saw through my eyes of tears

Songs list of album: Rancid [1993] (1993)
         Title Rating
01   Adina lyrics   -
02   Hyena lyrics   -
03   Detroit lyrics   -
04    Rats in the Hallway lyrics Add lyrics   -
05   Another Night lyrics   -
06   Animosity lyrics   -
07   Outta My Mind lyrics   -
08   Whirlwind lyrics   -
09   Rejected lyrics   -
10   Injury lyrics   -
11   The Bottle lyrics   -
12   Trenches lyrics   -
13   Holiday Sunrise lyrics   -
14   Unwritten Rules lyrics   -
15   Union Blood lyrics   -
16    Get Out of My Way lyrics Add lyrics   -

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