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Composer: Korn

Korn - Clown lyrics

Life is within my body
Four clicks . . . Alright go

Four I just said, you faggot piece of shit on the ground
Ahh! Four?
Four. Four?

Oh, hey, what are you talking about Ross?
hey Ton Ton
hey, are you saying so there's no clicks
hey, we're recording, now start
Just fucking do it damn it!

I wanna get a twist. I wish we could put twist
on a fucking tape . . . stupid
Wanna hear it?
Fuck you! Fuck you!
Huh Heuh
Okay . . . piece of shit!

Anger inside builds within my body
Why'd you hit me? What have I done?
You tried to hit me!

The pain will begin, if you like
[Do you want me to begin, if you like]
Throw your hate at me with all your might
Hit me 'cause I'm strange, hit me!
You tell me I'm a pussy and you're harder than me
What's with you boy? Think hard.
A tattooed body to hide who you are
Scared to be honest, be yourself
A cowardly man!

I don't run around trying to be what's not within me
Look into my eyes, I am free
You're just a wanna-be

To come out

Hit me clown because I'm not from your town, now hit me clown

Clown you ain't shit. Turn around and get your face split.

I'm just too fucking little!
I'm just a fucking mental
Songs list of album: Korn (1994)
         Title Rating
01   Blind lyrics  
02   Ball Tongue lyrics   -
03   Need To lyrics   -
04   Clown lyrics   -
05   Divine lyrics   -
06   Faget lyrics   -
07   Shoots and Ladders lyrics   -
08   Predictable lyrics   -
09   Fake lyrics   -
10   Lies lyrics   -
11   Helmet in the Bush lyrics   -
12   Daddy lyrics   -

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