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Composer: Alice Donut

Alice Donut - Sleep lyrics

How I love to sleep
I was back in Mahomet, Illinois,
A Mongoloid child played with
Aa bright orange smurf ball
Gurgling to himself contentedly
Next to a tree. In the middle
Of the street stood a small
Repulsive chihuahua-like beast with
Huge bulging lascivious eyes and sickly
Liver spotted skin. It llifted its tail
And I saw a strange puckered
Cuntlike orafice with a tongue.
The beast started whispering to me
Beckoning to me. Mongo started jumping
Up and down screaming. The neighbors
Ran to their trailor homes and locked
Their doors. I was possessed.
I picked up the beast and
Fucked it with uncontrolled lust.
It turned its head and leered at
Me as I pumped it again aand again.
It started laughing. Suddenly a sharp
striking pain shot deep into my bowels.
I pulled out. The beast, still laughing
Deposited a milky afterbirth substance
Then ran into the woods. At the base of
My penis, the beast's sphincter was
Clamped down hard. I cut it off with a
Boyscout knife. The neighbors stared
>From their windows. "Look at me!" I screamed
"I fuck your neighborhood pets!"
I went home and hid inside my room.
>From the window I saw a police car next
To the afterbirth in the street. A fat redneck
Cop waddled out of the squad car bent over
Picked up a nugget of placenta sniffed it and
Said, "Yep it's been fucked get out an A.P.B.
Immediately!" I locked the doors. My belly hurt
more and more. My cock turned grey and liverspotted
Like the beast. I squeezed the head and a parasitic
Blood worm oozed out. I grabbed the worm
And pulled it out slowly. Layers of skin from
My belly to my upper thighs dissolved as I
Pulled the worm. Like an onion, layer
After layer of epidermis melted off my body with
Each tug of the worm. I woke up.
I was pissing straight up into the air through
The semi-erect tissue of a descending piss boner.
It splashed against my stomach and thighs.
God I love to sleep.
Songs list of album: Revenge Fantasies of the Impotent (1991)
         Title Rating
01    Rise to the Skin lyrics Add lyrics   -
02   My Best Friend's Wife lyrics   -
03   Telebloodprintmediadeathwhore lyrics   -
04   What lyrics   -
05   Dead River lyrics   -
06   Sleep lyrics   -
07    Naked, Sharp & Perfect lyrics Add lyrics   -
08    Come up With Your Hands Out lyrics Add lyrics   -
09   War Pigs lyrics   -
10    Good Posture lyrics Add lyrics   -

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