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Composer: Dick Lukas

Citizen Fish - Flinch lyrics

It's a fine line with drops on either side/instant reactions : being undecided
/would lose a balance unrecognised/don't leave me alone! don't rouch me!/could
just as love those he despised/or vice-versa - a social supply/of any extreme
you could need to arrive/of points unchartred part through fear/part through
reliance on getting this near/having regular good times usually late/passing
through the uncertain state/through the flinch reactive zone/where no-one
stands completly alone/where togetherness tenses/just like talking over fences
/ignoring the barrier but keeping it there/in case the candle starts to flare/
too brightly for the eye to see/so much at once - okay hold it there
Songs list of album: Flinch (1994)
         Title Rating
01    T.V. Dinner lyrics Add lyrics   -
02   Naked lyrics   -
03   Small Talk lyrics   -
04   Time Control lyrics   -
05   Dividing Lines lyrics   -
06   Media Men lyrics   -
07   Bag Lady lyrics   -
08   First Impressions lyrics   -
09   Wet Cement lyrics   -
10   Circular Vision lyrics   -
11   Social Insecurity lyrics   -
12   Invisible People lyrics   -
13   Flinch lyrics   -

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