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Composer: Jimmy Haha

Jimmie's Chicken Shack - Let's Get Flat lyrics

To say that everything I knew was just a lie
A love a hope a dream
Well what was it to you
You can hold it in when you live
But it comes out when you die
The travesty of truth
The liberty of lies
I see three sides to a coin
As I flip it past my eye
Toss from hand to hand
You pick heads and I choose sides
And you screams tails fool... Tales
Well I've got a few that would pertain
It seems my love is much like a coin
It lives through many needless exchanges
Somehow it's shape I still sustain
Somehow this shape I still sustain
Let's get flat
To say that everything I knew was just a lie
Songs list of album: Bring Your Own Stereo (1999)
         Title Rating
01   Spiraling lyrics   -
02   Lazy Boy Dash lyrics   -
03   Do Right lyrics   -
04    String of Pearls lyrics Add lyrics   -
05   Ooh lyrics   -
06   Let's Get Flat lyrics   -
07   Trash lyrics   -
08    Fill in the Blank lyrics Add lyrics   -
09   Face It lyrics   -
10   Silence Again lyrics   -
11   Pure lyrics   -
12   Waiting lyrics   -
13   30 Days lyrics   -

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