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Composer: Elastica, Justine Frischmann

Elastica - Connection lyrics

Riding on any wave,
That is the luck you crave,
They don't believe it now,
They just think it's stupid,
So got anything?
Anyone could have done,
Who would've cared at all,
not you.

Another heart has made the trade,
Forget it, forget it, forget it,
I don't understand how a heart is a spade,
But somehow the vital connection is made.

Riding on anything,
Anything's good enough,
Who would've thought it of
Someone like you,
Just as they brought me round,
Now that they brought you down,
Roundabout and roundabout
Who wants a life anyway?

Another heart has made the grade,
Forget it, forget it, forget it,
I don't understand how the last card is played,
But somehow the vital connection is made
Songs list of album: Elastica (1995)
         Title Rating
01   Line Up lyrics   -
02   Annie lyrics   -
03   Connection lyrics   -
04   Car Song lyrics   -
05   Smile lyrics   -
06   Hold Me Now lyrics   -
07    S.O.F.T. lyrics Add lyrics   -
08   Indian Song lyrics   -
09   Blue lyrics   -
10   All Nighter lyrics   -
11   Waking Up lyrics   -
12   2:1 lyrics   -
13   See That Animal lyrics   -
14   Stutter lyrics   -
15   Never Here lyrics   -
16   Vaseline lyrics   -

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