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Composer: Chronic Future

Chronic Future - Eyes Wide Open lyrics

It's like taking your medicine
Admitting the relevance
Of every experience
You're thanking the elements
In all their appearances
Ins't life just the clearest when
You face interferences with an aim for fearlessness

With eyes wide open it can be so hard to live in this world today
But if you close them you just might miss out
And life will pass you by

You know that
Things will never change
And your life will
Always stay the same

Eyes open
Eyes shut

I need some memory loss
Tell me what's that gonna cost?
If it has to do with attitude I'll pack up and get lost
I'm having second thoughts on going trough with this
I should say screw this shit close my eyes and get used to it

Don't waste your life away

Blankness with an over anxiousness
To erase this you must be courageous
Just to face what gives you knots in your stomach
And once you've done it
You're gonna love it
Getting up there and being above it
Songs list of album: Lines in My Face (2004)
         Title Rating
01    Time and Time Again lyrics Add lyrics   -
02   World Keeps Spinning (A Chronic Future) lyrics   -
03   Shellshocked lyrics   -
04   Stop Pretending lyrics   -
05    New York, NY lyrics Add lyrics   -
06   Thank You lyrics   -
07    Memories in F Minor lyrics Add lyrics   -
08   Wicked Games lyrics   -
09   Static on the Radio lyrics   -
10   Eyes Wide Open lyrics   -
11   Apology for Non-Symmetry lyrics   -
12   Say Goodbye lyrics   -

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