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Composer: Les Claypool, Primus

Primus - Arnie lyrics

The man he stepped up to the microphone and he gave it a kiss.
It was a big wet, slippery kiss.
And he had sweat dripping off of his nose onto the windscreen.
As he looked out over the audience he said,
"God bless you, God bless you one and all."
Then he took a can of Ronson lighter fluid
and he squirted it over the top of his head.
And proceeded to light himself on fire
as he stood there glowing and said,
"Remember this day."
Songs list of album: The Brown Album (1997)
         Title Rating
01    The Return of Sathington Willoughby lyrics Add lyrics   -
02   Fisticuffs lyrics   -
03   Golden Boy lyrics   -
04    Over the Falls lyrics Add lyrics   -
05   Shake Hands With Beef lyrics   -
06   Camelback Cinema lyrics   -
07   Hats Off lyrics   -
08   Puddin' Taine lyrics   -
09   Bob's Party Time Lounge lyrics   -
10    Duchess and the Proverbial Mind Spread lyrics Add lyrics   -
11   Restin' Bones lyrics   -
12   Coddingtown lyrics   -
13   Kalamazoo lyrics   -
14    The Chastising of Renegade lyrics Add lyrics   -
15   Arnie lyrics   -

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