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Composer: Primus

Primus - Wynona's Big Brown Beaver lyrics

Wynona's got herself a big brown beaver
and she shows it off to all her friends.
One day, you know, that beaver tried to leave her,
So she caged him up with cyclone fence.

Along came Lou with the old baboon
And said "Recognize that smell?"
"Smells like seven layers,
That beaver eats Taco Bell."

Now Rex he was a Texan out of New Orleans
And he travelled with the carnival shows.
He ran bumper cars, sucked cheap cigars
And he candied up his nose.

He got wind of the big brown beaver
So he though he'd take himself a peek,
But the beaver was quick
And grabbed him by the kiwis.
Now he ain't pissed for a week.

(And a half!)

Now Wynona took her big brown beaver,
And she stuck him up in the air.
Said "I sure do love this big brown beaver
And I wish I did have a pair."

Now the beaver onces slept for seven days
And it gave us all an awful fright.
So I tickled his chin and I gave him a pinch
And the bastard tried to bite me.

Wynona loved her big brown beaver
And she stroked him all the time.
She pricked her finger one day and it
Occurred to her she might have a porcupine
Songs list of album: Tales From the Punchbowl (1995)
         Title Rating
01   Professor Nutbutter's House of Treats lyrics   -
02   Mrs. Blaileen lyrics   -
03   Wynona's Big Brown Beaver lyrics   -
04   Southbound Pachyderm lyrics   -
05   Space Farm lyrics   -
06   Year of the Parrot lyrics   -
07   Hellbound 17 1/2 (Theme From) lyrics   -
08   Glass Sandwich lyrics   -
09   Del Davis Tree Farm lyrics   -
10   De Anza Jig lyrics   -
11   On the Tweek Again lyrics   -
12   Over the Electric Grapevine lyrics   -
13    Captain Shiner lyrics Add lyrics   -

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