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Composer: Tim "Herb" Alexander, Les Claypool, Larry LaLonde

Primus - To Defy the Laws of Tradition lyrics

What if Christmas didn't come this year
And no one paid for Christmas cheer?
Who would cry the biggest tear,
The child or the store?
Why do brides wear virgin white?
Most do not deserve that right.
But to choose a color of their delight
Would surely bring on the frowns.
To defy the laws of tradition
Is a crusade only of the brave.
Suppose the taxman, he comes to town,
And you don't lay your money down.
Yet Mr. Jones he killed Mr. Brown the other day.
Well I wonder, who's gonna go to hell.
Songs list of album: Frizzle Fry (1990)
         Title Rating
01   To Defy the Laws of Tradition lyrics   -
02   Groundhog's Day lyrics   -
03   Too Many Puppies lyrics   -
04   Mr. Knowitall lyrics   -
05   Frizzle Fry lyrics   -
06   John the Fisherman lyrics   -
07    You Can't Kill Michael Malloy lyrics Add lyrics   -
08   The Toys Go Winding Down lyrics   -
09   Pudding Time lyrics   -
10    Sathington Willoby lyrics Add lyrics   -
11   Spegetti Western lyrics   -
12   Harold of the Rocks lyrics   -
13    To Defy lyrics Add lyrics   -

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