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Composer: Louis Eliot

Rialto - Untouchable lyrics

If you were an angel, I would cut off your wings - to keep you with me, I would do anything. Like broken bottles that slip from drunken hands, I've watched my star falling and shatter on the ground.

First you wash your hair, then you wash your hands; oh yeah, I think I understand...

Untouchable, if I'm not fit to even crawl if I'm too sick, I'll soak my skin in alcohol until I feel untouchable.


I blew my chances as you blow-dried your hair; I thought of my answers as you walked down the stairs. D'you think I'd defile you if you were to get too close? D'you think I'd infect you? D'you think I'd give you a dose?

First you wash your hair, then you wash your hands; oh yeah, I think I understand...


I'll drink until my skin is full, and I will be untouchable...


Untouchable, if I'm not fit to even crawl if I'm too sick, I'll soak my skin in alcohol, and I will feel untouchable.

Songs list of album: Rialto (1998)
         Title Rating
01   Monday Morning 5:19 lyrics   -
02   Dream Another Dream lyrics   -
03   Broken Barbie Doll lyrics   -
04    Summer's Over lyrics Add lyrics   -
05   Untouchable lyrics   -
06   Hard Candy lyrics   -
07   Quarantine lyrics   -
08   Lucky Number lyrics   -
09   Love Like Semtex lyrics   -
10   When We're Together lyrics   -
11   The Underdogs lyrics   -
12   Milk of Amnesia lyrics   -

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