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Composer: Jeff Ament

Pearl Jam - Help Help lyrics

Tell me what I wanna hear.
This shits too good to be true.
My dear.

Tell me lies. Tell me lies, tell me. Tell me lies, tell me.
Help me. (x6)

Storybook keeps from hurting me.
You see.
Shell of the man from the sea.

Tell me lies. Tell me lies, tell me. Tell me lies, tell me.
Tell me why. Tell me why, tell me. Tell me why, tell me.
Tell me lies. Tell me lies, tell me. Tell me lies, tell me.

Help me. (x6)

Reservoir of hate and fear.
Invisible in repair.
A hundred thieves cast a spell.
This is hell.

Help me. (x6)

The man they call my enemy.
I've seen his eyes he looks just like me, a mirror.
The more you read, we've been deceived everyday it becomes clearer.
Clearer. Clearer. Clearer.

Not my enemy. No, not my enemy.
Don't speak for me. No, not my enemy.
Songs list of album: Riot Act (2002)
         Title Rating
01   Cant Keep lyrics   -
02   Save You lyrics   -
03   Love Boat Captain lyrics   -
04   Cropduster lyrics   -
05   Ghost lyrics   -
06   I Am Mine lyrics   -
07   Thumbing My Way lyrics   -
08   You Are lyrics   -
09   Get Right lyrics   -
10   Green Disease lyrics   -
11   Help Help lyrics   -
12   Bushleaguer lyrics   -
13   1/2 Full lyrics   -
14    Arc lyrics Add lyrics   -
15    All or None lyrics Add lyrics   -

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