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Composer: Cerys Matthews, Catatonia

Catatonia - Valerian lyrics

Never meant you no harm
Never meant you no harm, yeh yeh
Never spun you no yarn
Never spun you no yarn, yeh yeh

And she'll go yeh, where he goes, yeh
We all go where nobody knows our name

If I step out of line
I'll step out of line, yeh yeh
Over land over sea
One step two to Ynys free

And she'll go yeh, where he goes, yeh
We all go where nobody knows our name

And don't cry if crying means you're sorry
Whatever the case I always felt out of place
As a matter of fact I always felt like that around you
I'm disinclined to toe the line
Under your thumb where I've become unwanted

So pick your way down to the sea
Pick your way to the sea, yeh yeh
It's not the tide you gotta watch it's me
Not the tide you got it's me, yeh yeh

And she'll go yeh, where he goes, yeh
We all go where nobody knows our name

And she'll go yeh, where he goes, yeh
We all go where nobody knows our name

Where nobody knows our name
Songs list of album: Equally Cursed & Blessed (2000)
         Title Rating
01    Dead from the Waist Down lyrics Add lyrics   -
02   Londinium lyrics   -
03   Post Script lyrics   -
04    She's a Millionaire lyrics Add lyrics   -
05    Storm the Palace lyrics Add lyrics   -
06   Karaoke Queen lyrics   -
07   Bulimic Beats lyrics   -
08   Valerian lyrics   -
09    Shoot the Messenger lyrics Add lyrics   -
10   Nothing Hurts lyrics   -
11    Dazed, Beautiful and Bruised lyrics Add lyrics   -
12    Mulder and Scully [*] lyrics Add lyrics   -
13    Nothing Hurts [live/*] lyrics Add lyrics   -

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